Residence facilities
Each room has a network point for connecting your own computer to the University's network, electronic information resources, the Internet and web-based e-learning tools.
Each room is equipt with a bedframe and mattress, a desk and chair, a bookshelf and a coupboard.
Residents are allowed to decorate in any way they choose. The curtrains may be swopped, but the original ones have to be rehanged when residents move out.
Residents have to evacuate and move out of their rooms for the June holidays, as well as at the end of the academic year.
Laundry facilities are available
A common "living room" area for socialising, watching TV or just "hanging out"
A communal and/or private lounge area where visitors can be received and entertained.
There are microwaves installed in every section in the residence.
The residence boasts with a lovely garden for play and relaxation.
A Room in Minerva
'n Kamer in Minerva
Before you move in


Find your way around / Leer ken die koshuis

Minerva does not have a quad, but is privileged to have a large garden. This is where we host almost all our dances. We recently upgraded our braai area and also got a swing. We have various garden benches, and a table where girls can take a study break at or sit and talk to their friends/parents when they come to visit.


This room is filled with the history of Minerva. It's also a good place to study or to read the newspaper.

Minerva’s dining hall is where we eat enjoyable and affordable meals everyday and catch up on all the latest news and gossip. Here we also have our Deli, which offers all kinds of snacks and drinks.
For breakfast, courtesy of Fedics, Minervianers can choose one of 8 options to order: Standard Meal, Vegetarian, Banting, Extra protein, Delux Breakfast, Get Balanced, Breakfast on the Go and Carb Conscious.
For lunch, we have 10 options to choose from: Standard Meal, Vegetarian, Get Balanced, Extra Protein, Salad Select, Banting, Double Standard, Chicken Feast, Take Away and Carb Conscious.
For Supper we can choose between: Standard Meal, Vegetarian, Take Away, Extra Protein, Burger Meal, Banting, Double Standard, Chicken Feast, Get Balanced, Salad Select, and Carb Conscious.
Finally, we are very privileged to say that all our dances throughout the year, except for House dance, can be held in our very own dining hall.

Minerva’s Thomsaal is where we have house meetings, where the Sêr practises and culture evenings are held (thanks to great aucustics). Here we have a television we use during house meetings, two pianos, a vending machine and a table tennis table, used for tournaments. The Thomsaal is also used as a venue for girls to exercise in everyday, since we love to exercise together.

The sitkamer is a place where you can bring your family and friends for a visit. The sitkamer is also often used as a study area, a place of worship and a space to prepare and design decor for dances. You can also occasionally catch up on your favorite TV show.

There are 4 washing machines, 5 tumble dryers, 3 basins for hand washing as well as washing lines to hang up your clothing. Minerva also employs a lovley lady who can wash, dry and fold your clothes (if you so choose).

There are three computers here that you can work on and print anything you need. Minerga is also adjacent to a lovley balcony on the second floor.

Balkony / Balkon
Minerva has two sunny balconies that look out onto the voorgras, one is on the second floor and one on the third. They are often used for a study space, but are mostly there for relaxing. When there are performances on the voorgras (mens's residences, Vensters, Sêrloop) ladies of Minerva gather here to watch.