Culture / Kultuur
Minerva is known for being one of the most culturally enriched residences on the Stellenbosch campus. Culture within residences comprises mainly of events and competitions which the Student Representative of Culture as well as the Kultuur Komittee (Kuko) arranges.
Minerva, being the type of residence that we are, participates in most- if not all- culture events arranged by Kuko such as: molassesêr, AKTV debat (Afrikaans debating), English debating, woordfees, maties talent competition, photo arts and writing competition, toneelfees and kleinsêr.
Minerva, as residence, also hosts several culture evenings throughout the year where girls are given the opportunity to showcase their talent. Alternatively, girls can also join the culture committee (headed by the culture house committee member) where they are given a chance to plan all these amazing events.
ATKV Debat

Kuko Toneelfees




Kultuuraande / Culture evenings