Minerva Week
Minerva Week is a week dedicated to celebrating the amazing residence that is Minerva as well as the sisterhood which we all share. This week is packed with a lot of fun activities, traditions and celebrations. Some of the activities included in this week are: tour de Olympus, amazing race, toga tuin kuier, pa en dogter dag, damesdag and many more. The whole campus needs to know that it’s Minerva Week, of course, so this is definitely the time where we get to show off our togas and decorate the entire Victoria Street in all things Minerva. Mineeeeeeerva! Mineeeerva! Mineeeerva!

Big-sis, Little-sis
In the first term, each first-year in Minerva is assigned (and given an opportunity to spade for) a senior as a "Big-sis". This initiative is a way to connect each junior to a senior in an informal manner. There are no official roles of a big-sis or little-sis, the girls are merely there for support and social guidance. This initiative facilitates strong bonds between girls in different age-groups, and ensures girls have someone with experience at University to help them out. Many girls become really close and form a long-term friendship with their new-found sister!