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Community interaction / Gemeenskapsbetrokkenheid

The portfolio of social impact mainly operates under Maties Community Service. Our main project forms part of MCS’s One Stop Projects which entails one year project for each residence or PSO within Stellenbosch or surrounding communities. With this project a group of volunteers from Minerva and Huis Visser offered reading and language skill assistance to grade 3’s at Rietenbosch Primary in Cloetesville.

As a residence we also take part in and help promote initiatives of the SRC arranged by the portfolio social impact. These include projects such as the Street Store.  This is an annual project collecting clothing for the “store” that allows homeless people to come and shop for items at no charge.

The mission of the social impact portfolio is to make a holistic contribution to the broader community of Stellenbosch and to equip students to do so.


During welcoming week first-years of Minerva had the priviledge to work with the group from #ButtWhyNot in an effort to rid Stellenbosch of sigarette butts. Through the clean-up we mannaged to pick up over 14 000 butts in the Neesie area (the largest amount ever collected by #ButtWhyNot). The newcomers had the opportunity to experience first-hand how ecologically friendly living is benneficial and crucial to the environment. We look forward to many more sustainability events comming up.

Green / Groen

Especially during the past year Minerva has become more aware of and involved with environmental matters. During 2016 we became part of a campus-wide recycling program, that is about not only recycling, but awareness about handling general waste. Recycling bins can be found in general areas throughout our residence. The bins are for Food/Compost, Recyclable materials and non-recyclable materials. All of the ladies in Minerva recycle, and in this way make a decision to make a difference.

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